Well 2 months ago i got the change to drive a fwd car in zandvoort,
And offcourse as you can feel it coming i hate fwd aswell, it turns in perfect but the the endles understear.. same in lfs in all fwd understear all the way.
Thats also why i dont get why we get another fwd in lfs the 24h version would have been a way better chooise imo.
The abs is imo the biggest ( should i say ) noob option? afaik i know has ever been in lfs. Worst thing is, ive tested it and its even faster
Why should we get options like this if there are many other small bugs in lfs what imo should be fixed before a useless option like TC or ABS or even worse Stability controle
Well with patch 1.03 coming up there is another feater multyplayer demo,
offcourse it might not be finnisht and the develop speed is lower then from lfs, the game is still freaking realistic and the ffb is way better then from lfs it might be diferent but diferent to the more realistic side
in the movie ( around 3min 30 ) you see him getting up to speed,
180 thegree turn around a pole and back and he just did that on a sick way :P
Cant find that in the layout the rest looks realy good